LOW TIDE N32�17.107 W064�45.815
Low Tide, as the name suggests, can only be located at low tide. Go here for a tide table. Also, you have to find the geocache "Hole-In-De-Wall" first to get to "Low Tide". Bermuda has a cool law called The Queen's Bottom and another called The Queen's Foreshore. Both laws refer to land that is under the water or sometimes underwater, respectively and state that no-one can own this land. All the beaches in Bermuda are mostly underwater during storm surges, meaning that they cannot be owned by anyone, and anyone can use any beach. Sometimes the access to the beach may be totally blocked by private property, and if this is the case there may be a public right-of-way to access the beach. The reason Low Tide can only be accessed at low tide is because at high tide, you would have to cross private property to get to the cache. The short trek from Hole In De Wall to Low Tide is by far more beautiful at low tide, and a major attraction here are the many tide pools, both natural and man-made that are only there at low tide. The best time to go is about an hour before low tide and you can linger at Low Tide for maybe an hour after low tide. Because a lot of the smooth rock that you have to walk over is underwater at high tide, it will have green moss as well as dark moss growing on it. This stuff is very slippery so be careful! You will find that you can avoid walking on the moss just about the whole way. If you can walk unassisted, you can do this. If you walk with a cane, then this may not be for you, obviously wheelchairs won't make it. Wear sneakers or hiking-type shoes. You may also want to bring beach gear for a stay on the beach near Hole In De Wall. This area is not marked on any roadside signs or maps and therefore is very quiet. Another really good feature of this beach is that you can watch the sunrise here. You'll need to get there early, around six AM to catch the whole show. The cache container is a medium sized tupperware container. If crowded beaches turn you off, then this is the spot for you. Chances are you'll have the beach to yourself! Enjoy!